Cleaning For Baby

We know how overwhelming it can be to navigate the product and ingredient lists for keeping your space clean for baby.

After a lot of research, trial, and error, we discovered Force of Nature products. The best part, there are no chemicals. Just 3 natural ingredients , and a little infusion of electrolytes, and we have a safe, medical grade cleaner for baby gear.

Other Cleaning Methods

  • There is a warning on a the package P102 Keep out of reach of children, along with several others citing the danger and toxicity of the product.

  • Pretty much every product in the cleaning aisle has a warning label that it’s harmful for children and animals. The old fashioned methods of vinegar, baking soda, citrus, essential oils, are making a come back for this reason.

  • There’s research that keeping our environments over sanitized or full of cleaning chemicals, is corrlated to asthma.


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